Sunday, July 26, 2009

[Ring Ring].
[Ring Ring]...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Moving is such a subjective term. Let's just say "I may not be taking your phone calls"

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I heard that you moved. I haven't seen you in so long. What is going on here!

Monday, October 30, 2006

A selfish nature belies an inconsequential man
Your yard isn't worth the excretions that were generously donated to it by those kind-hearted creatures and your accusations are not worth the embitterment you intend to impose upon me. I shall not take offense at your hastily defined criticism but rather "rise above" as they say. The destruction of your yard can only be considered a good thing by those who know you. Only, it is a shame of great magnitude that the detruction was not so complete as to include your dwelling place and one would hope your very self as well. Alas, dreams can come true and I anticipate as copiously today as always your unconditional destruction. Amen and amen.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

I know that they are yours, so don't even try to deny it. You thought that I wouldnt notice I guess. But I did. And now you have a huge mess to clean up in my yard! I am sure that you thought it was funny to release all those damned cats in my yard. Maybe you thought that it would be a "cute" joke. But now because of you my yard is covered in oddly colored feces. The smell is horrible (like an old ladys house). So here is what I say to you. Come clean my yard or I am going to set loose a pack of pigions in your yard. Then we'll see what is what. And maybe next time you have a problem with the way that I live my life you can be less of a coward and come talk to me!!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

This situation is not all that complicated if you ask me. To clarify, the situation we are analyzing is thus: Blind man on the floor with urine soaked pants and the child presumably still standing there, was trying to figure out how to process this unprecedented turn of events. And you are walking by. Well I would say that any decent person (aka: you) would go over there and help the blind man up, while comforting the poor emotionally scarred child. Now I realize that it is tempting to just walk on and continue in your urine free shopping experience. But the obligation to a blind urine soaked individual is undeniable. I hope that his answers your question and helps us to further re-solidify out relationship.
I was as perplexed and astonished by your apology as you must be in contemplating this image

As hurt as I have been by your atrocities of yestermoment, I realize that the words you utter hold truth which pierces my soul. Believing your humility to be sincere, I accept your apology and offer my own. Let us rekindle friendship's flame. We'll throw rocks at wasp nests anew and consider life's intricacies from a vantage point neither of us could attain alone. With that in mind, allow me to relate an incident which occured to me earlier this week. I was in the local Wal-Marts when I noticed an apparently blind individual accepting the aid of a seeing-eye dog. A very young child became somewhat exuberant at the sight, ran to the dog and began petting its head and speaking in a loving manner to it. The dog immediately squatted and began to urinate on the floor dangerously near the child's shoes. The child and the dog's owner were both at a disadvantage concerning the taking notice of this event as the child was busy fawning over the dog and the owner was blind. When the dog's owner felt he had allowed the scene to continue quite long enough he began to move toward the breakfast cereals when his step came down upon the puddle left by his otherwise helpful dog and the unfortunate man fell to the floor and soaked up the majority of the urine into his pant leg. Now I ask you, where are my obligations to this situation as a mere passer-by? I eagerly anticipate the insight that only you can provide. Believe me when I say that it matters.
There comes a time when we must let bygones be bygones. A time when we must act our age and let the past lie where it is. That time is now! I am not proud of some of the things that I have said to you, done to you, and had others do to you. So I am sorry. Please consider this my formal apology. With that said I would like to extend to you the olive branch, “come friend, the war is past, for friends at first, are friends at last”.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Wow. You truly are insignificant. I underestimated your insignificance. At one point I believed that all people were important. My belief system has been shaken to the core. You need to change your name to BigZero.